Trademark protection on the rise: Increasing entries in the Swiss trademark register in 2024 |
| from HELP Media AG

23.01.2025, Zurich – The Swiss trademark register recorded an increase in registrations to a total of 16,713 trademarks in 2024, which represents an increase not only compared to the previous year (16,606 trademarks). This figure illustrates the increasing awareness of companies of the need to protect their trademark rights.
With moderate growth of 0.6% compared to 2023, 2024 once again ends positively. Of the 16,713 new registrations in total, around 12,000 trademarks come from companies based in Switzerland, which underlines the importance of trademark protection for local companies. The increase among companies from China is particularly noteworthy: around 650 trademarks were newly registered for protection in Switzerland in 2024 - an impressive increase of 30% compared to the previous year. The strong presence of Chinese companies underlines the strategic focus on Switzerland as an important market.
The attractiveness of Switzerland as a location for trademark protection is also evident in international comparison. After the Swiss companies, which make up the lion's share of registrations, the USA follows with around 1,300 trademarks and Germany with around 780 trademarks.

The growing number of trademark registrations reflects companies' trust in Swiss protection mechanisms. At the same time, it shows that companies are increasingly relying on the protection of their intangible assets. The figures also illustrate the increasing international networking: In addition to Swiss companies, companies from China in particular are strengthening their market position in Switzerland through trademark protection. This underlines the relevance of Switzerland as an important location for innovation.
Historic record: Swiss commercial register
It is gratifying that not only the number of trademark registrations has increased, but also the number of companies founded. With 52,978 newly founded companies, Switzerland reached a new record in 2024. Compared to the previous year, in which 51,637 registrations were recorded, there is a significant increase. The dynamic development of the Swiss economy is also evident in a multi-year comparison. These figures underline the continued growth and the increasing attractiveness of Switzerland as a business location.
Looking at the whole year, a total of 52,978 new companies were entered into the commercial register in 2024 - a new record that exceeds the peak of 2023 by 2.6%. The long-term comparison over the last ten years underlines the impressive growth of the Swiss economy. In 2014, only 41,687 new companies were founded, which corresponds to an increase of 27% by 2024. This development illustrates the continuous dynamism of the Swiss corporate landscape.
The number of new entries in the Swiss commercial register remains at an impressively high level. But who is behind the founding of all these new companies in Switzerland? We took a closer look at the founders in German-speaking Switzerland, as this region accounts for the largest share of company start- ups in the whole of Switzerland. It is not surprising that the majority of people involved in company start- ups and registered in the commercial register come from Switzerland. For this reason, we analyzed the ten largest countries of origin after Switzerland. In first place are the Germans, who initiated or were involved in around 9% of all company start-ups in German-speaking Switzerland in 2024. Italians follow in second place with a share of 3%. Third and fourth place are taken by Kosovars and Austrians, who each make up around 2% of all new founders.
An analysis of company start-ups shows once again that the majority of company founders are men. In 2024, men with the first names Daniel, Thomas and Michael were particularly common in deciding to start a company. Among women, in the same year it was mainly Sandra, Daniela and Anna who decided to become self-employed. These names also reflect general trends in naming and show that the entrepreneurial spirit is widely anchored in German-speaking Switzerland.
In 2024, there will again be a clear gender distribution in company start-ups in German-speaking Switzerland: women were involved in 28% of start-ups, while men continue to make up the majority of founders at 72%.
Among the top 5 cantons, the canton of Zug stands out with the lowest proportion of women - here only 21% of start-ups were initiated by women. In the cantons of Zurich, Bern, Aargau and St. Gallen, however, the proportion of female founders is stable between 29% and 30%. These figures not only illustrate the gender distribution in the start-up scene, but also the ongoing dynamism of the German- speaking Swiss economy.
Andy Rauch, CEO
Telephone 044 240 36 40
--- END press release Trademark protection on the rise: Increasing entries in the Swiss trademark register in 2024 ---
The attractiveness of Switzerland as a location for trademark protection is also evident in international comparison. After the Swiss companies, which make up the lion's share of registrations, the USA follows with around 1,300 trademarks and Germany with around 780 trademarks.

The growing number of trademark registrations reflects companies' trust in Swiss protection mechanisms. At the same time, it shows that companies are increasingly relying on the protection of their intangible assets. The figures also illustrate the increasing international networking: In addition to Swiss companies, companies from China in particular are strengthening their market position in Switzerland through trademark protection. This underlines the relevance of Switzerland as an important location for innovation.
Historic record: Swiss commercial register
It is gratifying that not only the number of trademark registrations has increased, but also the number of companies founded. With 52,978 newly founded companies, Switzerland reached a new record in 2024. Compared to the previous year, in which 51,637 registrations were recorded, there is a significant increase. The dynamic development of the Swiss economy is also evident in a multi-year comparison. These figures underline the continued growth and the increasing attractiveness of Switzerland as a business location.
Looking at the whole year, a total of 52,978 new companies were entered into the commercial register in 2024 - a new record that exceeds the peak of 2023 by 2.6%. The long-term comparison over the last ten years underlines the impressive growth of the Swiss economy. In 2014, only 41,687 new companies were founded, which corresponds to an increase of 27% by 2024. This development illustrates the continuous dynamism of the Swiss corporate landscape.
The number of new entries in the Swiss commercial register remains at an impressively high level. But who is behind the founding of all these new companies in Switzerland? We took a closer look at the founders in German-speaking Switzerland, as this region accounts for the largest share of company start- ups in the whole of Switzerland. It is not surprising that the majority of people involved in company start- ups and registered in the commercial register come from Switzerland. For this reason, we analyzed the ten largest countries of origin after Switzerland. In first place are the Germans, who initiated or were involved in around 9% of all company start-ups in German-speaking Switzerland in 2024. Italians follow in second place with a share of 3%. Third and fourth place are taken by Kosovars and Austrians, who each make up around 2% of all new founders.
An analysis of company start-ups shows once again that the majority of company founders are men. In 2024, men with the first names Daniel, Thomas and Michael were particularly common in deciding to start a company. Among women, in the same year it was mainly Sandra, Daniela and Anna who decided to become self-employed. These names also reflect general trends in naming and show that the entrepreneurial spirit is widely anchored in German-speaking Switzerland.
In 2024, there will again be a clear gender distribution in company start-ups in German-speaking Switzerland: women were involved in 28% of start-ups, while men continue to make up the majority of founders at 72%.
Among the top 5 cantons, the canton of Zug stands out with the lowest proportion of women - here only 21% of start-ups were initiated by women. In the cantons of Zurich, Bern, Aargau and St. Gallen, however, the proportion of female founders is stable between 29% and 30%. These figures not only illustrate the gender distribution in the start-up scene, but also the ongoing dynamism of the German- speaking Swiss economy.
Andy Rauch, CEO
Telephone 044 240 36 40
--- END press release Trademark protection on the rise: Increasing entries in the Swiss trademark register in 2024 ---

More information and links:
(company entry)
Markenschutz im Aufwind: Steigende Eintragungen im Schweizer Markenregister 2024 (news article in german on
Markenschutz im Aufwind: Steigende Eintragungen im Schweizer Markenregister 2024 (news article in german on